Angiography and angioplasty

This ward is located on the east side of the third floor of the hospital, which provides diagnostic services such as coronary angiography, cerebrovascular, angiography and angioplasty in children and adults, temporary and permanent pacemaker, intravenous filter, etc. is responsive to patients. .
One of the treatment methods for cardiovascular diseases is angioplasty and balloon, which is performed in this center by prominent cardiologists in the city.
In this treatment method, after angiography and diagnosis of the involved vessel and the site of the blockage, special catheters are inserted into the coronary arteries and the plaque is removed, and if necessary and at the discretion of the treating physician to prevent re-occlusion of the spring or stent The vessel is embedded.

Necessary preparations before angiography and angioplasty

  • The day before angiography, bathe and clean the patient from the navel to the groin (shaving the surgical site). Men should preferably shave their breasts as well.
  • Inform your doctor and nurse about the medications you are taking. Ask your doctor about the duration or discontinuation of anticoagulants such as warfarin.
  • Diabetic patients should discontinue their metformin the day before with a doctor's notice. In case of fasting, do not inject insulin. In case of eating breakfast, preferably inject half of insulin with a doctor's prescription.
  • Food consumption is prohibited four hours before angiography. It is okay to drink fluids up to one hour before the operation
    On the day of the visit, be sure to inform your nurse of any drug or food allergies
  • Bring all previous medical records and prescriptions with you. Preferably do not have jewelry with you. It is mandatory for a person to be hospitalized
  • There is a possibility of feeling hot or nauseous during the operation due to the injection of a contrast agent. Be sure to tell your nurse or doctor if you have chest pain or nausea.